
The Wisdom of Christ Consciousness

Connecting to the Web and Fabric of Consciousness in the New Vibration

by Reema Kumarasingham

Approximately 4,000 years ago, Moses ushered in the Age of Aries from the age of Taurus. 2,000 years later Christianity emerged at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. Today, we are moving from the end of the Piscean age towards the beginning of the Aquarian age. At the cusp of each New Age comes a shift, a change in Consciousness. With this change comes the opportunity to shift and embrace the New Consciousness, through a new way of Being. One of the ways to do this is to re-examine old belief systems, and find the ones that resonate with us in the New Consciousness.

The first book of the Radiant Light Series, Shrouded Truth, follows the past life memories of eight souls closest to Jesus and takes readers through the turbulent times and events of the biblical era through their eyes. One of the souls went back to the life of Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus.

In the outgoing Consciousness, the Christian Cross represents the love that Jesus demonstrated through his death by crucifixion – his sacrifice for the salvation for all. In Shrouded Truth, Thomas describes the Cross as the connection and unifying of energy that Jesus and his disciples share. They stood in a circle, linking hands, and linking to the energy from the sky and the ground – totally connected – As Above So Below.

In the New Consciousness, we can choose to resurrect and embody Thomas’ interpretation of the Cross – that of true connection. If we could imagine, unbeknown to the naked eye, there is an intricate web of Consciousness all around us. We are all part of this Web. Every single entity is connected with this Web – flora, fauna, the subtle, the tangible and the intangible are irrevocably linked to one another. As such, we are all responsible for the Entirety of the Web. Every thought, emotion, vibration, flows through the Whole. If we pump out joy, love and serenity, joy, love and serenity will flow through the Web. If we pump out greed, fear and judgement, greed, fear and judgement will flow through the Web. Everything that flows through the Web affects each individual link, therefore affecting each individual Consciousness.

We are all responsible for Whole Web. Any change to the Web ripples through the links. When we choose to break the links from the Whole, this causes a reverberation to filter through the Whole and changes the dynamics of the individual links. Everyday millions of interactions occur within the Web by the different individuals – some very softly and unknowingly, and some very loudly and out in the open. By constantly focusing on the tangible, we miss the myriad of subtle miracles that flow through the individual links of the Web, and thereby affecting the whole. We become disconnected from the Web as a Whole.

For example, we focus so much on the big things that happen in our lives, and take for granted the simple miracles that take place everyday. However, we can re-engage with the subtleties again and appreciate the wonders of the Whole in the New Consciousness. Everything we say, do, think and choose will affect the Whole Web of Consciousness. Each individual has the power to enhance or destroy the Fabric of Consciousness by nothing more than a flick of a thought. Being consciously aware and mindful will help preserve and shift the Web into the New Consciousness.

It’s not about the dawning of the Christ Consciousness from the outside, but the reawakening, remembering and embracing the Cristos inside us.

The power is within us.

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Radiant Light Series is authored by Reena Kumarasingham, a psychology graduate, regression therapist, life between lives therapist, whose therapy practice, Divine Aspect, has clients spanning Asia, Australia and Europe. She is a certified trainer and supervisor for the Past Life Regression Academy in the training therapists in UK, Australia and USA. She has given talks internationally including the World Congress of Regression Therapy in Turkey and the Past Life Regression Convention in India. Reena is the author of two chapters on advanced regression therapy techniques in Transforming the Eternal Soul.

For more information, visit www.divineaspect.com

Shrouded Truth is the first of three books in the Radiant Light Series, which challenges us to look deeply into our inner core and explore of the true relationship between the spirit of man and the spirit of the God. It challenges us to look deeply into our inner core and unveil the biggest shrouded truth of them all – our own glorious divinity.

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