by Demian Allan
We live in interesting times when the astrological cycles seem more poignant that at any other time in history. The bold transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn have seen a marked shift of trust in leaders (if there was any in the past) become even more fraught and anxiety-ridden.
However, as we reach the end of the year, there is astrological light in the form of the last dance between these three planets. This may not be apparent at first as we all progress over these next few months, but for many, periods of strain that began in January will bear some kind of conclusion. The planet Mars is retrograde from 9th September until 14th November and that will also bring old emotions to the surface. The global implications of this is a rather forceful nature propelling countries forward with a mix of tribal defensiveness and helplessness.
The planet Mars remains retrograde this month, and we also have Mercury joining in the backwards motion from the 14th in Scorpio. This can complicate matters in any government negotiations that take place during this period. This will be especially emphasised in the USA with the lead up to the presidential elections; confusion will arise in policies and strategy.
We have two Full Moons this month, one at the beginning on the 1st at 9 degrees in Aries and the second at the end on the 31st at 8 degrees in Taurus, ‘a portly man, walking among pigeons which flock upon the ground at his feet’, indicates a political figure appealing to the general public in ways that have not been seen before. However, on the 4th, the planet Pluto starts to transit forward for the first time since April only to be caught up by Jupiter which in turn will lead to a crescendo of different political issues starting to come to the public’s attention in a completely different way than seen before – it is a moment when the crows come home to roost.
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Demian Allan is an astrologer working in London and does face to face readings at Watkins Books.
To book a reading, email